Cranberry-Champagne Cocktail


The tangy cranberry syrup takes the place of bitters in this holiday version of a Champagne cocktail. If you make extra syrup, save it. It is wonderful over vanilla ice cream or fruit.

Serves 8


Combine sugar, cranberry juice and peppercorns in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Add the cranberries and simmer for 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and strain through a fine mesh sieve, pressing against the cranberries to extract all the liquid.

Add 2 tablespoons of cranberry syrup to a Champagne flute and top with Champagne or sparkling wine.


Cranberry syrup
¾ cup sugar
1 cup cranberry juice
1 tablespoon black
1 bag (12 oz) fresh cranberries
- Champagne